Saturday, May 17, 2008

Summer Sessions

I am currently booked through July. If you are interested in scheduling a session, please do contact me and I will add you to the wait list. I will contact you with openings. Also if you are pregnant and want to schedule a newborn session, please call ASAP so I can schedule your session.

If we have talked about a summer session in June and July but haven't yet confimed a date/time, I have your spot reserved so call me to confirm.

My kids will be out of school in a week and I am looking forward to a fun summer with my boys. My oldest goes to Kindergarten in August so my August sessions will be very limited.

It's not too early to start thinking about the holiday! Yep I'm talking about Christmas. I will start scheduling sessions for Christmas in September through October. These sessions will fill fast so if you want a session we should talk by the end of summer. I will not be scheduling sessions in December and the deadline for all holiday orders is mid November.

Meet Aidan

I honestly feel so blessed to meet such amazing families and to capture their lives in print. This mom and son was so much fun. We met at the Nature Science Center and let Aidan do what he loves to do... dig and discover dinosaurs. He knew about every fact on every dinosaur and was such a sweet boy. As I was leaving Aidan sat on mom's lap and I captured these sweet moments. As a mom it just speaks to me of the tender moments between a parent and child.. the ones when no one is watching... (well, I was).

I'll have proofs to you soon.
Thanks for a fun morning!