Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dad's in the Hood

This is so cool I had to blog about it.

Our neighborhood in Austin, TX has an annual camping trip for dad's and kids at our park. Dad's start staking their place as early as 7am Saturday morning and by the evening there is hardly a place to pitch a tent. They have music, BBQ, crafts, climbing wall and all kinds of fun stuff for the kids. Oh yeah and donuts on Sunday (my boys favorite thing). It's such a neat time for the dad's and kids. Storms were in the forecast and blew in about 3:30 AM so my husband packed up and brought our boys home, but they had a blast!!

I couldn't resist posting a few photographs.

Warning... some of the images clearly describe how much these dad's are roughing it!

Oh and did I mention that they are IN the neighborhood? Yep, that was connected to a generator. (The above photograph was taken last year)

"Smile Mom"

I love those shirts!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Meet C

This little guy was so sweet. We instantly bonded and while he was on the go most of our session, we had a good time. 14 months can be a challenging age to photograph because new walkers are so curious, but that's the same reason that I love this age - the discovery.

He loved the cars and planes, but what boy doesn't?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a visit, a birthday & a bug

It's been a crazy few weeks. My in-laws came to visit for a week and the day they left I came down with a stomach bug (and not a 24 hour bug) and during this time I turned the big "40". God blessed me on my day with a day of health and it was a great day with friends and family. My kids were so excited about my birthday and I woke to drawings, balloons, cards and our ritual pancake breakfast. Isn't it great to see life through the eyes of a child? They were so ready for mommy's birthday party!

Do you ever remember thinking your aunts and uncles were so old? Well, now "I" am THAT old! How does that happen? I really do think that age is in your head and I hear 40 is the new 30. :) At least that makes me feel better about being 40.

Thanks to my clients who have been so understanding that I am running behind on edits. I am almost back to normal and I'm working this week to get proofs and orders processed without sacraficing quality.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

B is for...

...Blue eyes

These brother's were not only so sweet, but amazingly handsome. I've known their mom for years, but hadn't seen the boys in a while. Wow are they gorgeous!

Sweet, Sweet Baby

I met this sweet girl when she was 3 weeks old. She is precious! A month after meeting baby Addison, I had the honor of photographing her again capturing 4 generations of women in her family; her great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and her aunts and cousin(I'll post those soon). What an awesome group of women. She's a lucky girl.